1 Week Keto: My Weight Loss Journey to Better Health

1 Week Keto: My Weight Loss Journey to Better Health

After kids, natural weight loss isn’t always easy. The healthiest path to wellness is in exercise and reducing sugars. Enter Keto….

One Year Without Soda

One Year Without Soda

I decided to stop drinking soda. It was hard, but you can go pop free too. Read about my 1st year without Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper…

From Plate Art to Granola Bar Cookies

From Plate Art to Granola Bar Cookies

My kids love arts and crafts. Unfortunately, I can’t keep everything they make or we would be swimming in drawings, coloring papers and projects covered in glitter. I’m not very excited about throwing things away either. So, I try to look for projects we will 

No Bake Chocolate Energy Bar Cookies

No Bake Chocolate Energy Bar Cookies

I crave chocolate. I’ve always loved no bake cookies. It occurred to me that adding a few key ingredients would still make a great cookie, while adding protein and healthy fats to act more like a snack. They are more filling and less sugary than