Month: March 2020

Starting a Victory Garden during a Global Pandemic

Starting a Victory Garden during a Global Pandemic

We are all going a little stir crazy. We don’t know how long the quarantines and social distancing is really going to last. But, thank goodness warm weather is around the corner. Let’s find joy and solace by planting therapeutic backyard Victory Gardens this summer. 

Easy Steps to Disaster Preparedness

Easy Steps to Disaster Preparedness

Everyone preps in one way or another. When you buy toilet paper or laundry soap, you typically buy more than just what you need for the week. You probably store the extra roles of toilet paper in your cabinet and get more before you get 

Podcast Episode 4: When Should You Change CG Products?

Podcast Episode 4: When Should You Change CG Products?

One of the most tempting things to do with Curly Girl (CG), is to buy too many new products and get lost in trying new routines. If there is no method to the madness, you may have trouble getting the results you want. After many