Month: April 2018

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

A c-section was a last resort on my birth plan. I really didn’t think it could happen to me.  But when emergency circumstances made it my best option, I was really glad I had at least considered it. It Helped to Know About Other Experiences 

Bob’s Burgers Inspiration: Little Swiss Sunshine

Bob’s Burgers Inspiration: Little Swiss Sunshine

We are big burger fans here. If you ever watch Bob’s Burgers, then you knew he always has a creatively named Burger of the Day on the restaurant chalkboard that references pop culture or contains a play on words hinting at burger ingredients. In “Moody 

Chick-fil-A Sauce Copycat Recipe

Chick-fil-A Sauce Copycat Recipe

Around here, we love Chick-fil-A Sauce. Here is my copycat sauce recipe. One batch is plenty for a full bag of waffle french fries. Chick-fil-A Copycat Sauce Recipe ¼ cup mayo 2 Tbs. honey 1 ½ Tbs. BBQ sauce ½ Tbs. butter 3 tsp. yellow 

I Cooked a Lobster for Spring Break

I Cooked a Lobster for Spring Break

This spring break we cooked a live lobster as a family and it was pretty wild. Check out our lobster recipe and research on how to cook a lobster humanely.