Sending my Kindergartner to School (Instead of Homeschooling)

Sending my Kindergartner to School (Instead of Homeschooling)

This was a surprising change for me. I was fully expecting to home school my kids until 7th or 8th grade and then consider sending them to high school. But today, my oldest just took her first steps into a public school building to start 

10 Picture Books You Need for Early Education

10 Picture Books You Need for Early Education

Get your little one learning in a fun in interactive way with these 10 picture books perfect for pre-school, kindergarten or even first grade! *Amazon affiliate links are included. Book choices are entirely my own, but I can make a small commission on any books 

1 Week Keto: My Weight Loss Journey to Better Health

1 Week Keto: My Weight Loss Journey to Better Health

After kids, natural weight loss isn’t always easy. The healthiest path to wellness is in exercise and reducing sugars. Enter Keto….

10 Great Potty Training Tips

10 Great Potty Training Tips

For the most part, I want to write about the things I’m good at. But I think it’s only fair to admit when I’m terrible at something. Child #3 is potty trained and I still don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve seen claims that there 

Hair Transformation: I am a Curly Girl, Are You?

Hair Transformation: I am a Curly Girl, Are You?

Nine months Curly Girl. This is incredible. These comparisons are getting harder to post because that before is getting hard to remember. No, I didn’t use a curling iron for that shot on the right. When my 4yo saw this side-by-side, he asked who was 

Making an Effort to be Bored This Summer

Making an Effort to be Bored This Summer

Let them be bored. As a parent today, it’s hard to let our kids be bored. There is so much to do. We constantly face pressure to show off what we are doing with our kids. Whether it’s learning activities or entertainment, we want to 

It’s a Hard Mom Life

It’s a Hard Mom Life

Oh child. Someday you will move mountains, for you are a force to be reckoned with. Climbed into his brother’s crib after waking up. Placed his (mostly empty) oatmeal bowl on his head as a hat. Absent mindedly wiped his snotty nose on the shirt 

What Does My Life Say About Me?

What Does My Life Say About Me?

I used to really dislike working out. It was hard and boring. I only enjoyed exercise if distracted or spurred by competition. I’ve found that as a mom, working out is actually relaxing. Our gym has a child care area that is amazing and keeps 

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

A c-section was a last resort on my birth plan. I really didn’t think it could happen to me.  But when emergency circumstances made it my best option, I was really glad I had at least considered it. It Helped to Know About Other Experiences 

I Cooked a Lobster for Spring Break

I Cooked a Lobster for Spring Break

This spring break we cooked a live lobster as a family and it was pretty wild. Check out our lobster recipe and research on how to cook a lobster humanely.