Making an Effort to be Bored This Summer

Let them be bored.

As a parent today, it’s hard to let our kids be bored. There is so much to do. We constantly face pressure to show off what we are doing with our kids. Whether it’s learning activities or entertainment, we want to keep our kids active so they are happy, growing and having fun. In fact, when our kids start to get bored, we don’t have much fun dealing with the whining and needy lethargy. Beingbusy is good for everyone, right? Wrong.

Letting your kids get board allows them to grow the imagination and learn self-sufficiency. Today I was going to take them to the zoo. I changed my mind and put them out to pasture in the backyard for a couple hours. I didn’t even set up a sprinkler or the water table (though those can be great options too). I can see them out there squatting in the grass. They are busy digging holes for “flags” and covering themselves in dirt. They will definitely need a shower.

Outdoor activities for toddlers and kids - Being Bored Summer Challenge

Kaleb didn’t even mind when Kam put dirt in his hair. He wasn’t sad at all when he said, “Oh no… I guess I’ll have to wash my hair.” Kam then tried eating the dirt and putting it in his own hair. Because do unto others, right?

Outdoor activities for toddlers and kids - Being Bored Summer Challenge Outdoor activities for toddlers and kids - Being Bored Summer Challenge

This is the stuff that childhoods are made of.

They’ve been out there for over 2 hours now and it’s starting to get dark. Time to call them in, start showers and start a late dinner. It takes a conscious effort to make time for being bored. Give them simple toys and don’t let them convince you into changing their situation. This was a challenge I heard somewhere before summer hit and I’ve been purposely incorporating it.

Have you tried this? I’d love to hear how it went.

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