Love You Madly, Baby Boy

Adorable Items for baby boy - Getting ready to pack a hospital bag - Baby shower gift ideas - Love You Madly - MidKid Mama Blog flatlay

He’s coming!

With every baby the denial period grows. I forget I’m pregnant all the time (less so now that he’s so active and cramped). I forget in just a few weeks I will get to meet our fourth kid. Even typing that out is weird.

We had a 37 week appointment today and the doc scheduled an ultrasound just to check size (our doctor loves his ultrasounds and is pretty quick to order them up). He’s measuring right on track at 6lbs 13oz.

Kniya was incredibly accurate in reading the ultrasound images on screen. Large babies are hard to see on the ultrasound screen and the profile was even smushed against the placenta wall. I was shocked at how she still knew when we were looking at the top of the head or a leg. She’s only four. Maybe she has a future in medicine.

The doctor warned me that this one could come fast and if I felt a single real contraction that I needed to call and head to the hospital. The first three had to be induced (Kniya: two weeks late, Kam: one week late), so I’m skeptical. It would be really nice to go into spontaneous labor.

Super obsessed with this adorable knot knit hat I found at Hazel and Holly. I can’t wait to get some hospital Fresh 48 pictures with him in it! Little purchases like this for the hospital bag make me more excited (and mentally prepared) for the impending date.

Adorable Items for baby boy - Getting ready to pack a hospital bag - Baby shower gift ideas - Love You Madly - MidKid Mama Blog flatlay

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