10 Great Potty Training Tips

10 Great Potty Training Tips

For the most part, I want to write about the things I’m good at. But I think it’s only fair to admit when I’m terrible at something. Child #3 is potty trained and I still don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve seen claims that there 

Making an Effort to be Bored This Summer

Making an Effort to be Bored This Summer

Let them be bored. As a parent today, it’s hard to let our kids be bored. There is so much to do. We constantly face pressure to show off what we are doing with our kids. Whether it’s learning activities or entertainment, we want to 

It’s a Hard Mom Life

It’s a Hard Mom Life

Oh child. Someday you will move mountains, for you are a force to be reckoned with. Climbed into his brother’s crib after waking up. Placed his (mostly empty) oatmeal bowl on his head as a hat. Absent mindedly wiped his snotty nose on the shirt 

What Does My Life Say About Me?

What Does My Life Say About Me?

I used to really dislike working out. It was hard and boring. I only enjoyed exercise if distracted or spurred by competition. I’ve found that as a mom, working out is actually relaxing. Our gym has a child care area that is amazing and keeps 

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

Preparing for the C-Section I Didn’t Want

A c-section was a last resort on my birth plan. I really didn’t think it could happen to me.  But when emergency circumstances made it my best option, I was really glad I had at least considered it. It Helped to Know About Other Experiences 

Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding (TMI)

Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding (TMI)

Let me preface this post with a warning: if you are not breastfeeding or about to have a baby and considering breastfeeding, then this post really isn’t for you. It’s hard enough to talk about the nitty gritty details without wondering who exactly is going 

Birth Story: Klay Alan

Birth Story: Klay Alan

Little Klay was born on March 9, 2018 at 8 P.M. in a whirl of activity. He measured 20 ¼ inches and weighed 8lbs 4oz (a little bigger than Kaleb and Kniya, but smaller than Kam). Our names were still a bit up in the 

Love You Madly, Baby Boy

Love You Madly, Baby Boy

He’s coming! With every baby the denial period grows. I forget I’m pregnant all the time (less so now that he’s so active and cramped). I forget in just a few weeks I will get to meet our fourth kid. Even typing that out is 

7 Picture Books: Kids of Color Being Themselves

7 Picture Books: Kids of Color Being Themselves

With a black husband and three children that are mixed, black history is naturally important to our family year-round. Too often, the majority of black history is ignored for a white-washed version of the past. February gives us a chance to reevaluate how we incorporate 

13 Quotes for Exhausted Parents

13 Quotes for Exhausted Parents

Parenting is simple. As long as you don’t value privacy, like repeating yourself, plan on sharing all snacks, like repeating yourself and can keep a straight face no matter what happens. It’s is exhausting. It’s awesome, but exhausting. You get worn out in ways you