Month: May 2018

Hello Year 3 of Square Foot Gardening

Hello Year 3 of Square Foot Gardening

  When we moved into a more urban area of town, I wasn’t close enough to garden on the farm with my grandfather. But, my husband enjoys wide open yards and really didn’t want me tilling up a space to use for vegetables. Then I 

It’s a Hard Mom Life

It’s a Hard Mom Life

Oh child. Someday you will move mountains, for you are a force to be reckoned with. Climbed into his brother’s crib after waking up. Placed his (mostly empty) oatmeal bowl on his head as a hat. Absent mindedly wiped his snotty nose on the shirt 

Gourmet Apple Bison Jeans Burger Recipe

Gourmet Apple Bison Jeans Burger Recipe

  Burgers are a weekly meal in our house, so I’m all about changing up the combinations. I’ve been having fun with the Bob’s Burger’s pop culture names, so I made up one of my own, which inspired some very interesting flavors. Apple Bison Jeans 

What Does My Life Say About Me?

What Does My Life Say About Me?

I used to really dislike working out. It was hard and boring. I only enjoyed exercise if distracted or spurred by competition. I’ve found that as a mom, working out is actually relaxing. Our gym has a child care area that is amazing and keeps 

I Know Why the Cajun Burger Sings Recipe

I Know Why the Cajun Burger Sings Recipe

A slightly spicy burger with a savory topping of cheese and roasted veggies, this delicious item was inspired by Bob’s Burgers Season 3, Episode 16. I Know Why the Cajun Burger Sings is a play on the title of Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the